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It's almost yours! Simply add it to your cart to continue. This is just the beginning of your diamond journey with us.
And Exchange them for beautiful Jewelry!
Your Diamond Journey Starts with your first Diamond ! Collect Genuine GIA Graded Diamonds from our Candles and Bath Bombs and exchange them for jewelry valued up to $4,320!
You Got a Free Diamond, But...
Remember More Diamonds = high-quality jewelry. Don’t miss this chillingly good offer—grab a Halloween favorite today!
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Spooky, Cute & Totally You!
These adorable yet spooky Halloween candles are flying off the shelves faster than a witch on her broomstick!
90% OFF Already Sold!
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Last offer...
Grab 4 diamond candles at a massive halloween Discount.
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& Expires In...
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ForeverWick stands apart by offering high-quality candles at competitive prices, similar to those of our industry peers. What sets us apart is our approach to diamonds: we include genuine diamonds in our candles, priced at wholesale rates, without adding any markups. This approach extends to our Diamond Exchange program, allowing customers to transform their discovered diamonds into beautiful jewelry pieces, ensuring both luxury and affordability in every purchase